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Church Altar


Authentic Faith

What a church utilizes to attract members also shapes the desires of one's heart. Many churches in the U.S. attract with principles borrowed from the corporate world and unwittingly reinforce the values of the world. Instead of shepherds, lead pastors act as CEOs. Cultural aspects aside, this is a far cry from the ministry of Jesus. 

At Community Church DC, we walk together on our spiritual journey toward Christ through the ups and downs of life. Making disciples is the prime directive and is reflected in our culture. With the scriptures as our guide, we seek to live out our witness as an authentic faith community. We are far from perfect. but God does amazing things through imperfect people as He guides us. Perhaps this is the spiritual home for you? Come as you are. There is no prerequisite to "get right with God" before visiting.

Listen to a sermon. Click through the "about" menu and learn more about us. We'd love to meet you, but more importantly we hope you encounter God right where you are.      

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